giovedì 23 febbraio 2017

Feburary 23, 2017

Hey, Everyone!

I wanted to make this post about do's and don't's in Italy and things that are much more different than in the U.S. Obviously, all of these do's don't's and notes are from my personal experiences, and probably don't apply to everyone in Italy.

-Wear shoes at all times. In the US, we tend to remove our shoes before entering a house or room. Sometimes, not removing shoes can be a bit rude as it might dirty rugs, floors, and carpets. However, here in Italy, even in the home, while lounging, or someplace with carpets, shoes always remain on. I did a little research on this and the internet says that it is because Italians (generally) find it rude to have smelly feet exposed to others.

-Learn about different types of coffee. Coffee, mainly espresso, is such a huge part of Italian culture. Italians do not understand the concept of "American Coffee" and the fact that they are very large and sugary drinks. Everyone will drink a small shot of espresso (the youngest I've seen drink an espresso was 6 years old) after every meal. Espresso, if you have not tried it, is incredibly strong and bitter, and after every meal, I am so grateful that it is only a sip. However, coffee is not just a beverage for Italians, it follows precise rituals and time schedules. For example, cappuccino is common for breakfast, but after breakfast, it is unheard of, and an instant tourist tell. Here is a list of a few different coffees that I have tried:
Doppio: two espressos in the same coffee cup
Macchiato: an espresso served with a few drops of milk
Macchiato freddo or macchiato caldo: an espresso served with cold or warm milk
Corretto: an espresso with a few drops of liquor (normally elderberry wine)
Ristretto: a very concentrated espresso
Lungo: a more watery version of ristretto
Americano: usually an espresso diluted with hot water
Latte macchiato: rarely ordered by Italians; a milk-based beverage coloured with a few drops of coffee, it is considered a good alternative for children emulating adult caffé.

-Mind non-verbal communication. Although a stereotype, it is true that Italians speak strongly with hand signals. However, unlike the stereotype, they aren't just frantically waving their hands, every signal has a meaning. There are signals meaning: no, nothing, I'm scared, what do you want?, leave, alone, hungry, finished, and angry as well as hundreds more. Everyone knows each signal and they are often used to communicate.

-Be careful on the road. Although I have heard that crazy driving is more prevalent in the south of Italy, it still needs to be addressed. The driving here is insane, nothing like driving in the US. In the US, police have a high respectability and laws and rules of the road are generally taken very seriously. However here, signs, laws and police officers are taken with a grain of salt. I have yet to see anyone being ticketed or even very many police on the roads for that matter, and the driving shows it. People drive very fast and the lines on the road are optional. Sadly, though, I have gotten more used to it.

-Do finish everything you are given, and if you can manage without bursting, eat seconds. Italians pride themselves in their food, and saying "no" (unless medically justified), is not considered normal, it is considered offensive to the person who cooked the meal. This especially is the case for the older generation such as grandparents, as their blood sweat and tears go into their cooking (not really, relax).

-Do not criticise Italy, Italians, or their culture. Don't worry, I have not, but I have seen the wrath of people who have... Italians can be very critical of their country, but might not accept criticism from foreigners about the political situation, religion, mafia or topics related to negative Italian stereotypes, World War II and off coloured jokes. Art, food, wine, family, movies, music, fashion, design and travelling are all good topics of conversation. Soccer can be a great alternative – unless you express heavy criticism about the soccer team supported by your Italian acquaintance.

-Don't be surprised if businesses have the weirdest hours ever. More often than not, many businesses are open in the morning, close around noon, and re-open again around 6:00 pm. Although, businesses don't have a set-in-stone schedule here. For example, as opposed to the "rain or shine" unwritten rule in the US, when the weather is bad (rain for us here in Sicily), shops don't open.

Generally, don't pay a tip at restaurants. In substitution at restaurants too tips, Italians have a "seating charge", which is literally an additional charge added on to the final cost of the food to sit, the price rises based on the amount of time you sit for.

- Don't cross your eating utensils. This one is more of a "black cat" type superstition for Italians, however, it is taken very seriously. Forks, knives, and spoons are not to be crossed on your plate in an "X" pattern EVER. Instead, they must be parallel "I I I" like so. I have no idea why, nor does anyone that I have asked, but you get used to it very quickly.

I hope you enjoyed my do's and don't's of Italy! I'll post an update soon about this month!


mercoledì 8 febbraio 2017

February 8, 2017

Hello All!

I hope everyone is doing well! This month has been much more relaxed than the past two were. On the 14th of January, I changed host families. I have met them a bunch of times before because they are still a part of the extended family. I now live a bit farther away from the city center where I was previously living, however, I have a brother now, Christian (and basically a sister because his girlfriend, Marta, is here everyday). I have been feeling my Italian vocabulary increasing more rapidly, and my English skills decreasing more rapidly. It has been really nice to always have someone my age to talk to around the house.

During this month, I have been more social, branching outside of my close Italian friend group, and going out with kids from different classes. I go to Ortigia to study with my friends or to someone's house. I really do have so many friends that I have made. However, my best friend that I have made is called Guido. He is so nice and so patient with my Italian. When I have rough days, he is always there to make me feel better. In fact, I had a fever one day when I was at the house of my first host family, and both of my parents had to work late. Guido and a few other friends had asked me if I could go out but said I couldn't because I was home alone with a fever. An hour later, Guido and three other friends of mine, Dario, Chiara, and Emi, showed up to my house to hangout with me, keep me company, and they even brought food. HOW could you not love them!?

My current host brother and I found and adopted a cat that we called, Oliver. However turned out that Oliver was more of an Olivia. She is actually really cute and I'm not even a huge cat person... but she does act a lot like a dog so that might explain it...

I have been going to Ortigia every Saturday early in the morning to go to a tutor of Italian. Her name is Lucia, and she lived in the United States until she was 10 when, with her family, she moved to Sicily. She knew no Italian, and had to teach herself. Since then, she has become completely fluent in Italian, married and Italian, and had 2 children. She has become fluent in her second language, however her native language of English is dissipating. The tutoring works as an exchange, she helps me with my Italian and I with her English.

Despite the "Sicilian cold" (50 degrees), gelato is still being eaten all the time because how could you not?

This past weekend was Guido's 19th birthday, so all of his friends threw a little party for him to celebrate.

Today, I went to Marta's house (Christian, my host brother's girlfriend) and had a spa day with her and her aunt. Her aunt, Norma, is very good at facials and nail painting, so we all had a little relaxing spa day.

I told you this month was boring! I hope everyone is well!!

Lots of Love,

This is from left to right Emi, Chiara, Dario (Guido's brother), and Guido when they came to visit when I was sick

My host brother, Christian with Olivia not Oliver

Always gelato!

This is Marta and I during a windy day at the beach

Claire, Guido, and I on Guido's birthday!

Marta at the "spa"